We have a pleasure to announce first Ultrasound Academy course in Constanta.
Duration 3 days (30.08.2012 – 01.09.2012)
Chairman: Prof. Dr. Florin Stamatian
Location IAKI Hotel Mamaia
Registration fee: 1000 RON
Participants 30 max.
Available places for registration: 0
Contact: Dr. Razvan Stanca razvan.stanca@obgyn.ro
The course will inlcude the following topics:
Cu sprijinul Spitalului Privat Euromaterna, acest lucru se va intampla in intervalul 30 August-1 Septembrie.
In cadrul Sesiunilor Stiintifice Euromaterna, se va desfasura Cursul International de Ecografie VISUS (Vienna International School of Ultrasound Sonography).
Pentru ca dumneavoastra sa beneficiati de aceste ecografii este obligatoriu sa fiti intr-una din urmatoarele situatii:
Fondator al Scolii Romane de Ecografie in Obstetrica si Ginecologie, al Asociatiei Romane de Medicina Perinatala, membru al primei echipe medicale care a introdus screeningul ecografic in Obstetrica si Ginecologie in 1976.
Activitatea profesionala a Prof. Dr. Florin Stamatian a fost recunoscuta pe plan international unde a fost ales in comitetele de conducere ale Societatii Europene si a celei Sud Est Europene de Medicina Perinatala. De asemenea, Prof. Dr. Florin Stamatian participa in fiecare an in calitate de speaker invitat la diferite congrese europene sau mondiale.
Este initiatorul si organizatorul cursului VISUS (Vienna International School of Ultrasound Sonography) in Romania.
Este doctor in medicina si membru al urmatoarelor societati si asociatii:
Este doctor in medicina si membru al urmatoarelor societati si asociatii:
Consultant in Medicina Perinatala si Ecografie, General Electric International Speeaker.
Dr. Marcin Wiechec detine certificarea din partea UK Fetal Medicine Foundation pentru proceduri invazive pe parcursul sarcinii si Certificatul de competenta in ecografiile de Morfologie Fetala.
Inainte de a fi numit in functia actuala ca si consultant in diagnostic prenatal si ecografie la Clinica de Obstetrica si Medicina Perinatala de la Spitalul Universitar din Cracovia, in 2009, Dr. Wiechec a petrecut un an ca trainer la Centrul de Ingrijire fetala al Imperial College Healthcare la Qeen Charlotte`s and Chelsea Hospital din Londra.
In prezent este director de curs si lector la Scoala Roztoczanska de Ultrasonografie din Cracovia si sustine workshop-uri de ecografie in Polonia.
Dr. Wiechec este General Electric International speeaker si in aceasta calitate a participat la congrese, cursuri si ateliere de lucru din Europa, Statele Unite si Emiratele Arabe Unite.
El este coautor a 21 carti si lucrari in diagnostic ecografic in medicina fetala si endoscopie.
Tarife camere:
Sunt disponibile si cazari la alte hoteluri invecinate: de exemplu Hotel Dorna, Hotel Modern, Hotel Central.
Preturile se pot discuta in momentul in care contactati agentia.
Mihaela IORDAN
Director Agentie
Bd. Tomis, nr.238, Bl. TD 17, parter, cod 900704, Constanta, ROMANIA
Office: +4-0241-64.54.14 +4-0341-45.63.33
Fax: +4-0241-64.54.14 +4-0341-45.63.33
E-mail: mihaela.iordan@paralela45.ro
0723 261 471
Web: www.paralela45.ro
8:00 | Registration |
9:00 | Welcome / Introduction |
9:25 | How to set up a basic 2D image in the first trimester |
10:00 | How to perform 11+0 to 13+6 weeks scan? (Practical tips) |
10:40 | Markers for aneuploidy in the first trimester. Anomalies correlated with chromosomal abnormalities |
11:40 | Coffee break |
12:00 | Discusion on cases (about 10 patients with various ultrasound and biochemistry findings) (patient: age NT, other markers, biochemistry; risk, karyotype) |
13:00 | Lunch |
14:00 | Anomalies that should be detected. Anomalies that can be detected |
14:40 | Invasive testing. Technique and potential risks |
15:00 | Preeclampsia screening (ultrasound technique) |
15:20 | Coffee break |
16:00 | Hands on in groups – settings on 2D and Doppler ultrasound for the 1-st trimester |
17:00 | Hands on in groups – obtaining images for the logbook (basic users) |
18:00 | Hands on in groups – obtaining images for NT, TR, NB, DV (advanced users) |
19:00 | End |
9:00 | How to set up a basic 2D image in the second trimester |
9:40 | Scanning techniques. Timing of the scan. What means a genetic scan. Detection rates |
10:40 | Anatomy of the brain and anomalies |
11:40 | Coffee break |
13:00 | Lunch |
14:00 | Anatomy of the heart and heart anomalies |
14:30 | Anatomy of fetal abdomen and anomalies. Abdominal wall defects |
15:00 | Urinary tract and oligohydramnios |
15:20 | Fetal biometry in obstetrical ultrasound. Fetal hypotrophy |
15:40 | Coffee Break |
16:00 | Hands on in groups – settings on 2D and Doppler ultrasound for the 2-nd trimester |
17:00 | Hands on in groups – obtaining images for the logbook (basic users) |
18:00 | Hands on in groups – obtaining images for the 2-nd trimester morphological screening (advanced users) |
19:00 | End |
9:00 | Introduction to 3D techniques (basics of multiplanar and 3D rendering) illustrated with a live scan and laptops (if you consider using them) – two examples |
9:30 | Volume ultrasound viewing options (TUI, OmniView, SonoAVC, VOCAL not more) illustrated with a live scan and laptops. – two or three examples |
10:30 | Application of volume ultrasound in obstetrics |
11:00 | Application of volume ultrasound in gynecology |
11:30 | Coffee break |
12:00 | Basics of 3D acquisition. |
12:30 | Hands on in groups (2 patients/US system/5 doctors) |
13:30 | Urinary tract and oligohydramnios |
15:20 | End of the lecture |
Coffe breaks and lunches are included.